Monthly Energy Cost Estimate

December 16, 2024

The following information is provided as part of Xcel Energy’s benchmarking to help users access and better understand their property's overall energy use and costs.

This document provides an estimate for monthly electricity energy costs per square foot and per multifamily unit using the property's most recent 24 months of aggregated energy use data, and total floor area provided by the property owner or manager.

Electricity utility bills at a property can vary based on customers’ collective use.

Property name:

Utility service address(es):
705 JACKSON ST NE 55413, MINNEAPOLIS MN 55413-2335

Property Electric Usage
Energy use period beginning:
Energy use period ending:
Total electric energy use during period:
5,713 kilowatt hours (kWh)
Total electric energy cost($)1:
Average monthly electric use:
238 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month
Average monthly electric cost($)1:
$53.00 per month

Property Characteristics
Total Floor Area (sqft)2:
Property Total Dwelling Units2:
Property Total Bedrooms2:

Electric energy cost estimate:
$0.00 monthly per square foot
$2.32 monthly per bedroom

1 Total energy use and costs associated with the property (as defined by the utility service addresses displayed above) are provided by Xcel Energy. These aggregate costs represent costs associated with all electric and gas use at the building, including common areas. Aggregated costs do not include applicable local, state or federal taxes.

2 Xcel Energy cannot verify the information provided by property owners and managers; any errors in the reporting would affect the accuracy of the reported metrics of cost per square foot or the cost per bedroom.

Xcel Energy has provided this information to an authorized individual in accordance with our Data Aggregation and Release Policy. Xcel Energy shall have no liability for misuse of data after it is released through this portal.